Gift Subscription - Starts with Volume 6 Issue 3 (GLASS HOUSES) (Shipping & Handling Included)

Gift Subscription - Starts with Volume 6 Issue 3 (GLASS HOUSES) (Shipping & Handling Included)


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Library Journal, in naming us one of the best new magazines of 2019, said, “A joy to leaf through—and read. It is heavily illustrated, with a mix of photographs, drawings, and comic panels, and it makes creative use of typography. The content includes an eclectic mix of essays, fiction, interviews, reviews, and recipes, making for a strong new title.” The Philadelphia Inquirer called us, “ambitious,” and “meticulously designed.”

Billy Penn in Philadelphia says “A high-production arts and culture affair with fiction, poetry and essays,” and asks, “A New Yorker for Philly? Root Quarterly pulls inspiration from higher-brow general interest magazines like Harper’s, the Atlantic, California Sunday Magazine and the London-based Riposte.”

We’ve heard from subscribers in states far and wide that they love the magazine and seeing the city through our eyes. A New York contributor and subscriber recently told us, “RQ has expanded my impression of the city, and the inner workings of the people (and other creatures) who live in it.... RQ captures snippets of contemporary lives, current events, timeless sensibilities, Philadelphia spirit, and a broader scope of interest, too—poetic or idiosyncratic—then weaves them all together into a tapestry that allows room for mystery, companionship, and good old-fashioned chance.”

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