CULTURE FILES // Grass Houses

Grass Houses

Legal places to buy weed are everywhere, but grow sites are underground. The future for recreational use in PA is hazy.

by Iona Clark


Only the river separates us, but the differences between marijuana use in New Jersey and Philadelphia are stark. In New Jersey, anyone with a government-issued form of identification who is over 21 years old can walk into any dispensary, make a purchase, and also possess up to six ounces (approximately 170 grams). In Pennsylvania, a person can still be thrown into jail for having over 30 grams in their possession, except in certain jurisdictions such as Philadelphia, which has decriminalized the plant, making anything less than 30 grams a civil violation rather than a criminal offense.  

Within the last ten or so years, new rules and regulations regarding the plant have popped up throughout the country, allowing for more leniency in some states and a crackdown in others. In April 2016, Governor Tom Wolf signed a bill that made marijuana available for medical use in Pennsylvania, meaning if you possess a medical marijuana card, you can walk into any dispensary in the state and make a purchase. In 2016 in California, marijuana was made legal for recreational use for those 21 and up. For some states, such as Wyoming, the plant is still completely illegal, no loopholes or exceptions. In fact, marijuana is still considered a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, which also limits its use in research. //

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