From the depths of the Great Salt Lake, color, form, and memory

by Leslie Billhymer


I have been working on a series of paintings inspired by the Great Salt Lake since 2014. Each evolves first from photography and sketching. I make refinements and develop the composition in a CAD program before scaling it up to paint in gouache and watercolor media. Of the time each takes, the bulk is spent developing the original composition, and each piece collects a long history of the photographs, sketches, and design work that contributes to it.

The paintings have always been inspired by life transitions, and I’ve worked to develop a sense of the energy belonging to these periods in this graphic language.

For full text and images, consider reading RQ in print, on a Sunday afternoon, sun streaming through your window, coffee in hand, and nary a phone alert within sight or in earshot… just fine words, fine design, and the opportunity to make a stitch in time. // Subscribe or buy a single issue today. // Print is dead. Long live print. //