
by Deb Montgomery


The earth herself is hemorrhaging fires, instant hurricanes, famines, and floods—not because the Bible said it would but because we destroy our home as we greedily seek convenience and ease. Israel horror, Palestine horror. Ukraine horror. Uyghur horror. North Korea horror. Opioid horror. Poverty horror.

If you’ve been told that God does not love you, I implore you to wonder again.

We need mercy and forgiveness for ourselves or we will never have forgiveness and mercy for others.

Let go the judgment, racism, and homophobia; let go the power drunks spewing hatred in God’s name. Always a new guy picking a new group of people to hate, an old group to hate. I feel sad. I feel sick. I feel tired.

I feel scared. I feel worn out.

But there is a peace that is beyond being understandable.

I seek it.

I think it seeks me—and you as well. //

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